
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

March 1993

Vol 3, No 3

Squirrels Attack Eastwood Park Kids

In February, 1915, the first residents of Riverside Park, now Roosevelt Park, arrived. They were twelve fox squirrels and twelve gray squirrels. The squirrels cost the park board $49.70. The squirrels, along with the rabbits, raccoons, pheasants and guinea pigs, were a big attraction at the zoo.

Twenty years later, on August 1, 1935, a gray squirrel attacked nine-year-old Margaret Beaton who lived on 1st Avenue SE. She was not bitten, just scratched. Two days later, on August 3, the gray squirrel attacked six-year-old Beverly Maxine Mellberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Mellberg, 112 9th Street SE.

As the squirrel bit and scratched her lip and arms, Beverly screamed. Ole Rud, a driver for Minot Creamery, heard her and came to her aid. George Foster, who was trimming trees on the boulevard of Dr. N.B. Livingston, also came running. Rud knocked the animal off Beverly's head. The squirrel tried to jump onto Foster but, instead, was killed by him.

Today, seventy-eight years after the squirrels arrived at the zoo, we still have very active and very bold squirrels living here in Eastwood Park.

Note: we would like to thank Mary Janicki for the interesting squirrel article she found in the Minot Daily News from August 3, 1935.

EPHDN Association News

By Deanne Clemens

Eastwood Park Historic District Heighborhood Assocation Meeting March 11, 1993. Lower level St. Peters Orthodox Chuch. Called to orter at 7:35 pm by Pete Hugret, Pres.

Pete welcomed Larry Frey, Alderman.

Treasurer Bruce Knudson is unable to continue with job. Jerry Jorgenson has agreed to take position. Jerry reported a balance of $918.00 in checking account.

Historic Guide Book of Minot- Pete showed an example from Grand Forks and asked for input from those in attenance on including Eastwood Park as part of a walking/driving tour of Histoic Minot. The book would be distributed by the Conventoin and Vistors Bureau, who would pay for the printing(approx $1500-$2000).

Historic Reseach Class offered at MSU was attended by 47 persons, 14 of those from Eastwood Park. Jerry Jorgenson won 1st prize (a can of Moxie) for completing research on his home.

Eastwood Park Directory- Steve Cameron reported 20 questionaires have been returned. Six have indicated they would like help with researching their home. Possibility of another class to be held.

2nd Ave. Foot Bridge- City has agreed to fund 20% if grant goes through. In Oct. 1992, the Associatoin pledged $825 for five years. Agrant of $72,000 was sent in. Bridge may not be built exactly like drawing that was included with grant request. They will respond by April 25th.

Mary Broshahan gave a $100 donation to the Foot Bridge Fund.

Rummage Sale- May 15-16, 1993 set as date.

Cookbook- Kay Cameron gave report on progress.Will be published in sections, Desserts first. Book will be a souvenir booklet of Eastwood Park. Tour Homes will be featured on dividing pages, with small frontal sketchs of each home in Eastwood Park as a line dividing header from contents of page. Carol Sebo and Bob Coburn to check on prices of binders for books cover.

Tour of Homes- June 12, 1993 Pre-tour will begin at Watkins at 10am for the tour homeowners and and other tour volunteers. Vincent Methodist Church has donated the purple flags used in identifying Tour Homes. Lunch for tour homeowners and volunteers will be held at Kay Cameron's or Deanne Clemens'. 410 people attendedtour last year. Cunningham's garden will also be included on 1993 tour. Antique Car Club will meet next week to decide if they will bring down cars to park in front of tour homes as an added attraction. Jacque Younger's friend will do watercolor posters for tour advertising. Minot Daily News will do a feature on each home the Sunday and Thursday before the tour.

Tour representatives will appear on the Noon Show on June 8th. Kay will check with Midday for a spot also. Pete will check with Thompson/Larson ad. Bob Coburn suggested advertising in Rolling News at MAFB - possibly selling tickets at the Rec Center.

Pillar Dates -- The dates on the Pillars are incorrect. Discussion on changing 1910 to 1906. Deanne called Erie Landmark Co. and each replacement placque to cover the date will cost $80.00 approx. Motion made by Fern Watkins to order new placque covers, seconded by Jerry Jorgenson. Motion carried.

Larry Frey gave a brief report on 7th Street bridge. It is at the end of the design/bid phase. Construction to begin May 1993.

Back Entrance Pillar put on hold until 7th Street bridge completed, due to construction trucks going through and questionable placement of pillar.

No further business. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm. Refreshments served, donated by Marge Frank. Meeting attended by 18 people.

New Historical Newsletter Starts Publishing

In March, 1993, a new historical newspaper went to press for the first time. The Early Minot Press will strive to bring historical facts about the Minot area into new light and highlight current preservation events.

The Eastwood Park Reporter will continue to publish Eastwood Park history and news, but the Early Minot Press will expand the research into the history of the entire city and surrounding areas.

The Early Minot Press offers subscriptions for $10.00 per year for 12 monthly issues. Subscribers will also be able to receive the Eastwood Park Reporter in addition to the Early Minot Press for only $2.00 per year more.

For a limited time, you can receive a free issue of the Early Minot Press by calling XXX-XXXX. Call now and find out all about the new Early Minot Press.

New Color

I'm sure that you've noticed the newspaper's new color. Green is the new color for the Eastwood Park Reporter. We felt this was the month to make the change with St. Patrick's Day in March.

Also, Spring's coming soon and Eastwood Park has always been one of the greenest parts of Minot. Green is the color of Eastwood Park, So it is the color of the Eastwood Park Reporter.

Eastwood Park Cookbook Planned

The Eastwood Park Cookbook is being worked on. Recipes are still wanted, especially for pies. We want as many residents represented in the cookbook as possible. The first cookbook will feature items such as bars, cookies, cakes and pies. The second cookbook will be a holiday recipe book. If you would like to submit holiday recipes now, they would be greatly appreciated. Please drop recipes off to Kay Cameron, 605 1st Avenue SE.

Questionaire Revisited

Everyone should have received a questionaire with the February Eastwood Park Reporter. The questionaire is very important to assist in the printing of the Eastwood Park directory. We ask you to fill in as much, or as little, information as you like. But, please fill in the address and names of the people living in the house and return to Steven and Kay Cameron 605 1st Ave. SE as soon as possible.

Letter To The Editor

I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of your newsletters this past year. Keep up the good work -- all of you.

Thank you for saving and recording a part of Minot's history. My dream is to have the walk bridge into Roosevelt park put back and restored. If there's anything I can do to help with that, please don't hesitate to let me know. That was the most beautiful way to enter the park.

Thank you again for all your efforts. I look forward to reading the Eastwood Park Reporter!

- Linda Johnson, Muskegon, MI.

Special Meeting Planned

There will be a special meeting for all residents of Eastwood Park on Monday, March 29, 1993 at 7:30 pm on the lower level of St. Peter's Orthodox Church.

The meeting concerns the homeless shelter on the corner of 1st Avenue and 8th Street. The homeless program is closing down in Minot and the building is going to be vacated and available for other uses.

The Domestic Violence Center is interested in using the building. The Director of the Center would like to discuss their plans with residents. Please come, listen and share your views with her.