
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

February 1993

Vol 3, No 2

Eastwood Park Site of Festivals

Forest Festival Held in 1906

By Steven Cameron

In August, 1906, the Women's Club of Minot held a benefit for building a YMCA building in Minot. The celebration, called the Forest Festival, was held in the newly opened residential district of Eastwood Park.

According to a story in the Minot Daily Optic, Eastwood Park's beauty was greater than any roof garden in New York or palm garden in St. Louis. Japanese lanterns were hung everywhere and flashes of Roman fire added mystery to the evening.

There was everything from a full-fledged vaudeville performance to games of chance in a tulip bed. Popcorn, ice cream and Russian tea were served. Many visitors wore costumes ranging from a Puritan maid to a flowery Geisha.

The weather was beautiful. Thousands of visitors attended the Festival, many of whom came in free busses from the Leland and Morrill Hotels. The cost was 50 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. The Festival raised over $500.00 for the YMCA building project.

Even from its very beginning, Eastwood Park has attracted crowds to its beautiful streets.

Great White Way Fest Held in 1917

By Steven Cameron

In the summer of 1917, amid the concerns of war in Europe, Eastwood Park was preparing for a celebration and carnival. Ninety seven street lights had been installed in Eastwood Park and an additional ten installed on East Central on the same curcuit. Eastwood Park was preparing for the opening of its beautiful Great White Way.

In 1917, Eastwood Park was the largest residential section of any city in North Dakota to be lit up with street lights. The festivities planned were band music, a number of speeches, a street carnival of fun including a street dance, and a souvenir booklet about the neighborhood. All the houses in the neighborhood were to have been decorated with Japanese lanterns as well as having their shades up and lights on throughout the house. All the street lights were to have been turned on at the same time.

However, due to a great many things which required public attention, much of the celebration was cancelled. The celebration was a quiet one with all the street lights and houses lit up. Residents of Eastwood Park held open houses for friends and family. Everyone in Minot was invited to visit Eastwood Park and enjoy the beautiful lighted scenery.

F.B. Lambert, one of the prominent people planning the event, held an ice cream social on his lawn during the evening with the Epworth League and the Methodist Church serving ice cream and other refreshments.

It is not clear whether the 1917 Souvenir Booklet about Eastwood Park was ever printed. If anyone knows anything about this booklet, please call Steve or Kay at 852-0608.

EPHDN Association News

By Kay Cameron

On January 19, 1993, the Eastwood Park Historic District Neighborhood Association held a meeting at St. Peter's Orthodox Church at 7:30 pm. The main topic was the 1992 Holiday Festival. Several suggestions for improving and enhancing the Festival were offered including extending the hours so that more rides can be offered and setting up a grill outside so that hotdogs, slush burgers and hot drinks can be sold. Then, a typical vistor could enjoy supper for a small price, ride the hay wagon, join a carolling group, enjoy cookies and cocoa, and listen to the guest performers.

The 1993 Tour of Homes was also discussed. The date has been set for June 12, 1993. The next Association meeting will go into more detail on the Tour.

Mark and Deanne Clemens, 805 2nd Avenue SE, were presented with the plaque for winning the 1992 Holiday Lights Contest. Congratulations Mark and Deanne!

A number of other topics were touched on during the evening including the homeless shelter on 8th Street and the recent class on researching your home's history.

The next meeting of the Association will be on March 11, 1993 at 7:30 pm at St. Peter's Orthodox Church. The 1993 Tour of Homes will be discussed. Another topic of discussion will be the neighborhood Rummage Sale. Going Places magazine will have representatives visit there to visit with us about their new publication, "Our Neighborhood" which will feature Eastwood Park in their first edition. See you there!

Eastwood Park Memorabilia Wanted

By Kay Cameron

Steven and Kay Cameron are starting to collect and catalogue Eastwood Park memorabilia and history. We are looking for either the actual memorabilia, copies of articles or pictures or just the name and address of the person who has the item.

We are looking for newspaper clippings about the homes, people or events in Eastwood Park, pictures of people or homes in Eastwood Park, any books or booklets with Eastwood Park information, or any other memorabilia concerning Eastwood Park.

Also, a specific item that we are looking for is the 1917 souvenir booklet that may have been published about Eastwood Park during the Great White Way festivities.

Many homes in Eastwood Park have gone through porch removals or replacements, siding changes, additions, fires and other changes. Because of these changes, pictures of the homes before the changes are valued by the current homeowners and Eastwood Park historians.

If you have any of the above items, please let us know by calling XXX-XXXX. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Eastwood Park Questionnaire Distributed

By Kay Cameron

Included with this month's newspaper is a questionaire. An Eastwood Park directory is in the works. To make the directory as up-to-date as possible, we ask that you fill out the questionaire as completely as possible.

Once the information is compiled, the directory will be printed and distributed to residents of Eastwood Park. The directory will give names and phone numbers of residents who will mow grass, shovel sidewalks or babysit as well as what businesses are owned or operated by people in Eastwood Park.

The information is also important because it will be a 'snapshot' of Eastwood Park in 1993 that would be of interest to future Eastwood Park generations or historians.

There is also a question whether you would be interested in having your home on the Tour of Homes. Please consider having your home on the Tour. The money raised by the Tour has built the 9th Street entrance pillars, moved the fence and helped with the landscaping. There are still many projects in the works. The year chosen for the Tour will give the Association an idea about when you will be ready for the Tour.

After the questionaire is completed, please return to Steven or Kay Cameron at 605 1st Avenue SE. If you would rather have the questionaire picked up, please call us at XXX-XXXX. Thank you for your help.

Are These Yours?

Eight-room house, 26 x 30, full two-story w/large attic. Fireplace, furnace, large basement, large natural shade trees on lot close in Eastwood Park. Will sell this fine new residence for 3650 on easy terms. F.J. Lyman.

Minot Daily Reporter
October 7, 1907

Joseph Rowan has nearly completed a 3000 sq. ft. home in Eastwood Park. This will make a fine home and it's not so far out either. Eastwood Park is one of the very finest residential districts in Minot since thousands have been expended on its boulevards.

Ward County Independent
November 26, 1908

Letter To The Editor

I derive a great deal of pleasure from your chatty informative news about my old home area.

All best wishes to those who might remember me.

Edna H. Keller

Your Stories are Still Needed!