
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

December 1992

Vol 2, No 12

1992 Eastwood Park Holiday Festival

By Kay Cameron

Mark it on your calendar. The 1992 Eastwood Park Holiday Festival will take place on December 20 from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm and will be bigger and better than before.

The Sunshine Kids will kick off the festivities at 4:30 pm by singing by the False-Arch Bridge just off of 6th Street and 1st Avenue. The winners of the Eastwood Park Christmas Lights contest will be announced just after their performance. At 5:00 pm, you can step back in time and ride on a horse-drawn hay wagon. It will start in front of St. Peter's Orthodox Church on 6th Street. This year, the hay ride will again cost only $1.00 per person or $5.00 per family. The hay wagon route will be enhanced by the historic homes dressed in their holiday lights and strolling carolers may be seen as they bring the joy of song to the neighborhood. Caroling groups will be forming at St. Peter's and everyone is welcome to join in. A hand-bell choir from Christ Lutheran Church will be performing at 6:00 pm inside St. Peter's.

Refreshments will be served in the basement of St. Peter's and the church will be holding a bake sale. Marshmallows will be toasting outside near the church. The tickets for the hay ride will be sold at the entrance to the church. There will also be registration for door prizes to be given away.

Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy the Holiday Festival's entertainment, caroling, marshmallows and hay ride. Also, a jolly old man in a red suit will make an appearance.

Make the holidays better for the less fortunate if your cupboards are overflowing this holiday season. Bring a can of non-parishable food to be donated to St. Peter's Orthodox Church for their youth group to distribute.

Keeping traffic down during the Festival is important. We are encouraging visitors to park on East Central Avenue and use the False-Arch Bridge to enter Eastwood Park. When possible, we would like residents to park off street during the Festival.

Hope to see you there!

Return To Eastwood Park

By Pauline Howard

In the spring of 1941, I moved back to Eastwood Park as a married woman about to have a baby. That baby turned out to be the woman now known as Judith Howard who resides at 300 9th Street SE.

The apartment that my husband and I moved into was located at 122 8th Street SE. It was a five apartment dwelling owned by Zion Lutheran Church. There were two apartments upstairs, two on the main floor and one in the basement. At first, we lived in one of the upstairs, two-room apartments. One big room served as the dining-living room with a tiny kitchenette. This tiny area had once served as a clothes closet when the house had been used as a single dwelling so it was small, indeed. Across the hall was our bedroom. We shared the bath with the tenants in the other upstairs apartment, Eva and Joe Welk, cousins of the famous Lawrence Welk. We lived there only a few months when one of the first floor apartments was vacated so we took it as it had three rooms. Here again, the bath was shared with the other tenants on main floor. We paid $15.00 per month.

The house was very well constructed with beautiful woodwork. I understand that it is now a single family dwelling again and I look forward to the day that it might be on the neighborhood Tour of Homes, so I can see it and renew memories.

My husband and I and our baby girl, Judith, lived in the main floor apartment until she was 22 months old. Our kitchen opened onto the hallway that had a stairway leading to the upstairs apartments. When Judy began to crawl and walk, those stairs fascinated her. If the door was open, she was out in that hallway and up those stairs as quick as a wink. One day, she had quite a nasty fall and got a black and blue bump on her forehead, but that didn't seem to deter her. So I did something that would perhaps be frowned upon by present day child psychologists. I took a feather and with the sharp end, I pricked her arm and told her that it was biting her. Then I laid it on the bottom step and warned her not to go near it. It worked! After that, she made a wide swoop around those stairs and never attempted to get past the `boof-oofs' as she called them. To this day, she accuses me of this incident being the reason that she is still frightened to death of moths.

A Touch of the Past

By Deanne Clemens

The Christmas tree's true ancestry is German. Bavarians, in the 17th Century, hung ornaments on fir trees that actually stood out in their forests to create the very first 'Tannenbaums.' In the early 1800's, the British Royal family, which was Germanic in origin, introduced the Christmas tree to England. At Windsor Castle, a yew tree was placed in a large tub, heavily decorated with sweetmeats, almonds, fruit, toys and lit with small candles.

Trees of the mid-Victorian era were most always table-top size in England. The Americans were not satisfied with these small trees and they began reaching for the ceilings. They were still set into tubs or buckets as a means for keeping them upright, but by the late 1870's, special stands were being manufactured.

If evergreens weren't available or were too costly, early trees were simply bare-leaf trees or, in some homes, a broom with branches attached.

Thrifty German farmers in the Pennsylvania area would use an evergreen tree one year and save the tree to use the next year. They would strip off what needles hadn't fallen and then place cotton on its branches and twigs. These trees looked as if wet snow had just fallen on it and were called ``snow trees.''

According to a time honored European tradition, parents would always hang a pickle ornament in the boughs of their Christmas tree. The lucky child to find this special ornament on Christmas morning would receive an extra gift left by Santa.

Festival Volunteer Meeting Held

By Kay Cameron

The Volunteer meeting last month for the Holiday Festival was a success. But to make the 1992 Holiday Festival a successful event, volunteers are still needed in some areas.

We need contributions of cookies, bars, hot cocoa mix and large and small marshmellows. Warm blankets are needed for the hay wagon if the weather is extra cold or windy. Anyone bringing any of the above item please label them so they can be returned in the event we have extra.

Also, people are needed to take tickets, help people on and off the hay wagon, go caroling, Church clean-up and serving refreshments.

Call Steve or Kay Cameron XXX_XXXX to help out.

Christmas In Eastwood Park

By Jackie Barnett

My grandparents were one of the first land and homeowners in your little park area. Their names were John and Alma Hannaford. They raised all eight of their children there at 308 10th Street SE. My mother, Marian Bolinske, inherited the home and lived there until her death a couple of years ago. We sold it to Tim and Loni Hyatt in 1991.

I remember as a small child running the entire Eastwood Park area. Being Christmas season is near, I'm going to relate a story that I'll always remember.

We visited my grandparents every Christmas and we would walk up to the Kresge Dime Store in the evenings. We always looked forward to the beautiful flocked Christmas tree in the window of 33 8th Street SE. I guess that was the first flocked tree I'd ever seen. Year after year, I looked forward to that sight.

As a Realtor, I have sold many homes on your little island. Putting people with children back in your neighborhood to experience the `Over the river and through the woods...' feelings feels great.

The Recipe Box - Garlic Bubble Bread

By Pat Jorgenson

1 loaf of bread dough (thawed)
1/2 stick of margarine (melted)
1 egg (beaten)
1 T. parsley flakes
1/4 t. salt
1/2 t. garlic powder

Mix all ingredients together except bread dough. Cut dough into walnut size pieces and dip into butter-egg mixture. Put in a cake pan quite close together. If you have any butter-egg mixture left just drizzle it over the top. Let rise for 45 minutes or as high as you like.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

You can double this recipe and still use a 9x13 pan.

Light up your lights for the Holiday Lights contest on December 19th before 7:00 pm.