
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

September 1992

Vol 2, No 9

Resident Was Father Of City Park System

By Kay Cameron

Many people know his home as the gray apartment building on 8th Street. The address is 224 8th Street SE. If you take a closer look at the steps leading from the sidewalk to the house, you will see his name, F.B. Lambert, cast in the concrete.

Frank B. Lambert was born on July 23, 1873 in Villard, Minnesota. In his childhood, he was friends with Charles and William Mayo, founders of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He worked in a law office in Wahpeton for a short time and became fascinated by law. In 1896, he passed the bar exam and then married Lillian Patterson of Wahpeton.

In 1905, at the age of 32, Lambert and his wife moved to Minot. He soon became one of Minot's prominent attorneys. He served as the President of Minot's Association of Commerce.

Of all the accomplishments of Frank Lambert, he should be remembered for the work he did for the Minot City Park system. He helped to obtain the land that is now Roosevelt Park and was very instrumental in getting William O. Doolittle, a nationally known park specialist, as Park Superintendent in Minot. Lambert was the first President of the Minot Park Board and served on the board for many years.

When Lambert died in 1939, the Minot Park system was regarded as the finest in the state of North Dakota.

Former Resident Remembers Eastwood Park

By Dorothy Klungtvedt

Although I lived only one year in Eastwood Park, I have some very fond memories of that part of Minot.

It was during the summer of 1944 that my three girl friends and I decided to rent an apartment in Marie Devine's home at 225 8th Street SE. It was during World War II and Mrs. Devine had found it necessary to divide her big house into three or four apartments. She lived in one of them.

Our so-called apartment was made up of the former living room and the sun-porch on the northeast corner of the house. We shared the upstairs bathroom with other tenants. Our place was furnished, too. We had the baby grand piano, a black leather couch and a fireplace in our parlor. Then the sun-porch boasted a cupboard, two burner hot plate, a wardrobe and a double bed.

We were young, enthusiastic and adventuresome. It was not long before the two school teachers, from McKinley and Sunnyside, and the two secretaries, from the Elks and Swift & Co., were settled in. Since there were four of us and only one double bed, we decided to do our sleeping on a rotation system. It was three in the bed and one on the leather couch. Every fourth night, you got the couch. Oh, what joy! That was pure comfort and also a chance for some privacy and entertaining friends.

One summer evening, a not-so-friendly bat came down the fireplace chimney and we girls were forced to spend the night locked in the upstairs bathroom.

After about a year-and-a-half of living in the Devine house, all four of us were married and on our separate ways. However, we still remain good friends and get together to reminisce about our year in Eastwood Park.

Editor's Note: Mrs. Klungtvedt is the mother of Nancy Nelson, 106 9th Street SE, an Eastwood Park resident. The other women mentioned in the story were Grace Edmark of Seattle, WA, Muriel Frosaker of Eugene, OR, and Fran Scroggs of Colton, CA.

Neighborhood Association News

By Kari Conrad & Pete Hugret

The Bridge Committee, consisting of Kari Conrad, Pete Hugret, Kathleen Cunningham and Dan Derby, has been busy gathering information and formulating options. They have met with funding sources, a historian, and City and Park officials.

They have also arranged for a grant writer from Souris Basin Planning Council. Residents from the neighborhood knowledgable about construction are now working up some design options.

The Committee is heartened by the enthusiastic response. They will present more specific information at the October meeting of the Association. If you want to help or if you have any stories or pictures of the bridge, please call Kari Conrad at XXX-XXXX.

The 3rd Annual Eastwood Park Neighborhood Association picnic was held Sunday, September 13 at the home of Dan and LeAnn Derby. Thirty one people showed up. This was a strictly social get together with lots of visiting and great food. Eastwood Park has some of the best cooks around. Due to the windy weather, the picnic was moved inside at the last minute. All who attended enjoyed themselves and said they'd be back next year with a friend.

The next meeting of the Association will be on October 13, 1992 at 7:30 pm in the lower level of St. Peter's Orthodox Church. See you there!

The Sensible Gardener

By Shan Cunningham

Fall is a time when gardening activity winds down. It's the time to clean the place up and put the garden to bed. Planting, with the exception of spring bulbs, is the furthest thing from most people's minds. But the truth is, fall is an ideal time to plant nearly anything -- perennials, shrubs or trees -- in any area where the ground remains unfrozen for a month or more after the first killing frost. Whether you're planting new stock or digging up existing plants to rearrange the landscape, this is the time to do it.

The reason has to do with roots. When a plant is put in the ground, most of its roots die. Before the plant can regain its former vigor, it needs to replace those roots. But in spring, a plant wants to produce a lot of new shoots and leaves instead, so that it can flower and reproduce. Roots will regrow then, but slowly. In late summer and early fall, on the other hand, as the plant is shutting down its leaf growth and stem extension, it's expanding its root system. Below the soil surface, good growing conditions persist long after the first frost blackens the tomato or hosta leaves. Perennials, shrubs and trees transplanted in fall will focus all their grow-power on regenerating lost roots. When spring arrives, they'll have a much larger root system that's better able to sustain vigorous leaf production.

These roots grow much better as the soil cools into the 60 degree range than they do in the 80 degree heat of midsummer earth. The roots keep growing vigorously until the soil temperature drops into the low 40s, and some growth occurs whenever the soil remains unfrozen. The best time for fall planting perennials is about a month before killing frost. That will provide two months or more of good root-growing conditions underground.

Finding good quality stock in local nurseries in autumn, however, can be a problem. Many of the plants will have been held in the nursery yard all summer and are often potbound. Perennials grown in containers, especially those that have become potbound, need a form of root pruning. Push the fingers of both hands into the bottom of the root ball and gently tear the bottom half of it open a bit. On larger plants make a vertical gash through the bottom half of the root ball with a sharp spade. Then spread the split bottom open a bit, untangle bound roots and replant.

Until the ground freezes and root growth stops, make sure the plant gets the equivalent of an inch of rain a week. Mulch is an absolute must. It saves water and helps keep the soil warm enough for root growth far later into the fall.

Established plants in your garden can be divided and replanted in autumn to increase your stock and rejuvenate the plants. When moving or dividing your own plants, remove some of the foliage before digging to prevent wilting in the warm weather of late summer and early fall. On large-leaved plants that grow from basal rosettes, such as hostas, cut individual leaves in half. Plants that send up stems are easier to deal with. Just cut the stems back by about half. When the leaves have been pruned, dig up as much of the root mass as you can with soil intact, transplant the plant to a hole to fit at its new site and water it immediately.

Determining when to start planting or transplanting trees and shrubs is a bit different that for perennials. Digging too early often stimulates new shoot and leaf growth, which in turn delays the development of winter hardiness. But once the plant begins to show the slightest change in leaf color, you're safe. That's the sign that the abscission layer between the stem and twigs has begun to form and that the top portions of plant have entered dormancy. Use the onset of leaf coloration in deciduous trees as a guide for moving evergreens, too.

Association Funds Newspaper

By Kay M. Cameron

The Eastwood Park Historic District Neighborhood Association has decided to fund the printing of the Eastwood Park Reporter. Now all residents of Eastwood Park will receive the paper. Non-resident subscriptions will still be $5.00 per year to cover postage. This was a thoughtful gesture on the part of the Association.

However, the survival of the paper depends very much on its readers. If everyone who enjoys the paper would take the time to write one story each year, the paper would be filled each month easily. The stories could be stories that you have heard or for those residents that have lived in Eastwood Park for many years, they can be about your experiences living in Eastwood park. Even short stories are welcome. They will give us a starting point for more research. Perfect spelling and grammer are not necessary. They don't even have to be more than a collection of semi-organized notes. Steve can fix most anything. I know because he is always fixing my stories.

A special thank you to all who have contributed so far. May you continue.

Remember To Put Up Those Christmas Lights While It's Warm!