
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

April 1992

Vol 2, No 4

Landsiedel Home Is Part Of 1992 Tour

By Jay and Denise Landsiedel

As part of our coverage of the 1992 Tour of Homes, the Eastwood Park Reporter presents the third part of a four-part series on the 1992 Tour of Homes participants.

Our home was built in 1928 by Catherine and Ward Saunders. Catherine Saunders had a dream of a home she had seen in a magazine. The home was called 'The Cameo,' an English home of distinction. From the picture provided by Mrs. Saunders, Ira Rush, Sr. designed the house, and a carpenter, Carl Knudsen, built the home.

The Saunders lived in the home from 1928 until 1961, when at that time, it changed hands and was sold to the Raymond Bohn family. The Bohns left Minot in 1965 and sold the home to Maurice and Mary Ann Metzger. The Metzgers lived in the home from 1965 until 1978. In 1978, the home was sold to John and Jane Fowler. The Fowlers lived in the home from 1978 until September 1990. The home, in September, 1990, was purchased by Jay and Denise Landsiedel.

The home has some very unique features. The fireplace is the focal point of the living room and was built by a famous former Minot bricklayer and skier, Casper Oimoen. The room off of the living room is a sunroom that seems to get used the most, both in the winter and summer months. Hardwood flooring used to cover the entire home, but only remains in the dining room. The Fowlers replaced the hardwood floor with carpet or linoleum, because the old oak floor demanded so much upkeep. The doors to all the bedrooms still have glass handles and open with a large metal key. The attic door is actually a hidden staircase from Disappearing Stairway Company. The home has four bedrooms, all of which are located on the second floor.

A little research on the home revealed that the large walk-in closet located in the master bedroom used to be a balcony. A one-stall garage used to be located on the north side of the house where the patio is now located. The Metzgers built a detached, double garage on the east side of the home. The Metzgers contacted Chris Slavick to stucco the garage. It just so happened that Mr. Slavick stuccoed the home when it was built in 1928.

This is a brief history and an insight into some of the unique features that are located in our home. We welcome all to visit during the 1992 Tour of Homes. Hope to see you there.

EPHDN Association News

By EPHDNA Officers

The Eastwood Park Historical District Neighborhood Association has a busy Spring planned this year.

Brass Plaques

One of the brass plaques for the 9th street entrance was placed last year. The second plaque should be added sometime in mid-April.

River Clean-Up

On May 2nd, all residents, age 13 and over, are asked to join in and help clean up the river around Eastwood Park. Anyone wishing to help is asked to meet in front of 300 9th Street SE on May 2nd at 10:00 am. Please bring any equipment that you feel would be helpful to remove debris from the river. If you have a rowboat that you would allow the neighborhood to use for cleaning the river, please call Kay or Steve at XXX-XXXX.

Tour of Homes

The Second Annual Tour of Homes takes place on May 9th. The homes on the tour this year are the Cameron, Chiles, Dennis and Landsiedel homes along with the Synagogue. The tour will be from 1-5 pm with tickets selling for $5.00. Tickets can be purchased in advance from Artistry Hairstylists, the Butterfly Shop, Dakota Antiques, Home Sweet Home and D's of Minot. Tickets can be purchased on the day of the tour at the five tour locations.

Spruce Up

The tour brings many people to Eastwood Park and they see much more than just the homes on the tour. Let's all put a little extra effort into making our yards look extra special.

Vote on May 5th

By Steven Cameron

On May 5th, all Eastwood Park residents should vote for the person that should represent Eastwood Park on the city council.

The two people running for alderman are the incumbent, Larry Frey, and the challenger, Shawn Sanford.

The residents of Eastwood Park now vote at the Ward County Courthouse rather than at Sunnyside School.

Tree Saplings Offered

By Kay Cameron

Tree saplings are being offered by the Soil Conservation office for 50 cents each. The saplings are eight to ten inches in height and are being offered in a wide variety.

Anyone who wishes to order some saplings, please call soon. During the daytime, you can call XXX-XXXX and in the evenings, you can call XXX-XXXX. Ask for Bob Coburn.

The Sensible Gardener

By Shan Cunningham

Here in Eastwood Park, we are blessed with an abundance of shade. Ah shade, thou enemy of lawn grass; thou friend of all else on a summer's day. The most important element in any garden is the human element; the people who will live in and use that garden. This is especially true of a shade garden. For observe, while you and your friends may stroll through a sunny garden, it is the shade that invites you to linger. Here is a place to sit, to talk or to be alone. Here is a place to live outdoors. Plan accordingly. Leave plenty of room for people in a shade garden. Let plants live there too.

Take a walk about the lawn and notice those places where the grass does poorly from lack of sun. Now sit in the shade and imagine. Move the chair around to different locations. Look in different directions. The object here is to find a place or places where people are comfortable. Then design a visually interesting yard from those vantage points. Most of the yards in Eastwood Park have been lived in long enough that 'use areas' have been defined by habit. Look closely at that. Habits that develop from comfortable living are worth keeping. A bad habit may be the cause of uncomfortable living. Take your time here and do nothing permanent until you have lived with it for a while.

Well, now that we have walked around the yard, say in the shade and talked philosophy, perhaps its time to start a shade garden. Remember that place where the lawn does poorly. Use a garden hose to outline that area. When you are pleased with the shape of garden, use the hose as a guide to put down plastic edging. Now cover the entire area with several inches of leaves, shred them with a lawn mower, add more leaves and repeat several times. The goal is to create a three inch layer of well shredded leaves. Water this well and then apply some of that high nitrogen fertilizer that is no longer needed on the lawn. The mulch will smother the lawn grass and the nitrogen will aid the decay process. Most of the soils here in the park are good enough that no additional digging is necessary. Simply water the area occasionally over the summer and by fall, the area will be ready to plant. If the area is one that will also be a seating area, I suggest the purchase of eighteen inch square concrete stepping stones as a starting point. They are light enough to be easily rearranged and can later be used to create pathways. I also suggest that containers planted with various annual flowers be used both to decorate the area during this first year and to determine what plants will grow well in the area.

Begonias and impatients are the most shade tolerant of the annuals, petunias will tolerate some shade, but zinnias and marigolds require a great deal of sun. A lot can be learned by observing how well or poorly these annuals bloom in different locations.

The next articles will be devoted to perennials for the shade garden.

Eastwood Park Rummage Sale

By Steven Cameron

The response to a neighborhood rummage sale has been excellent. The consensus was to hold an Eastwood Park Rummage Sale on Saturday, May 23 and Sunday, May 24.

An advertisement for the sale will appear in the Minot Daily News prior to the sale weekend. Maps will be prepared that will guide visitors to all the sale sites.

If you would like to participate on one or both days, please call Kay at XXX-XXXX to sign up. We will need to know which days, what times and where the sale will be.

There will be a meeting on May 14th to finish up planning the sale.

Eastwood Park Tree Grant

By Steven Cameron

Eastwood Park has been awarded a $1000.00 grant from NSP and an additional $4070.00 grant to plant a variety of trees on the boulevards.

The planting of the trees will take place starting on April 24th and will continue until May 1st. There will be no cost to Eastwood Park for the trees, but residents are asked to water them.

Some of the types of trees to be planted are Linden, Ash, Flowering Crab, Hackberry, Maple, Canadian Cottonwood and Ohio Buckeye.

Happy Easter