Est. 1991
Spring 1995
Vol IV, No 1
For almost as long as there has been Eastwood Park and Roosevelt Park, there has been walking bridges connecting the two beautiful areas of Minot. The first bridges were made of rope and planking. They were soon replaced by a more permanent walking bridge with concrete pilings supporting the bridge, iron columns overhead, and iron handrails. This bridge, which was built around 1915, connected Eastwood Park with Roosevelt Park for over seventy years and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places before it was removed in the late 1980's. Many people were saddened by its removal.
Now, a new footbridge is being built at the same location at the east end of 2nd Avenue. The new bridge, although more modem than its earlier cousins, will fill the void left by the removal of the historic footbridge and reconnect Eastwood Park with Roosevelt Park.
The footbridge is scheduled to be finished during the first part of June. A lot of work went into raising the money for the bridge including securing a grant from the federal government, a promise of 20% from the city of Minot and $4000.00 from the Eastwood Park Historic District Neighborhood Association. The Association raised its share through the annual Tour of Homes and 4th of July Button & Balloon sales.
Once the footbridge is finished, Eastwood Park residents, as well as visitors to Eastwood Park, will be able to use the bridge to cross the river into Roosevelt Park and enjoy the many activities Roosevelt Park has to offer. People visiting Roosevelt Park can also cross into Eastwood Park and walk around our special neighborhood.
By Deanne Clemens
For entertaining Victorians, picnics were a summertime tradition, an escape from the four walls of the house to the "open canopy of heaven," where the body and soul could be nourished by the warm sun and gentle breezes.
The term picnic came from the French ( early spelling was pique-nique) and referred to an informal meal where everyone brought a dish. 'It is unclear how these potluck get-togethers evolved into outdoor events, but by the mid-19th Century, the transition was complete.
Easily prepared meals were cooked early in the day to be served later for buffet suppers, verandah luncheons, garden parties and pastoral picnics. A proper picnic called for proper dishes and linens, and baskets and hampers to carry them in. Usually, there were no servants at a picnic. The young gentlemen welcomed the opportunity to show their gallantry by helping with the baskets and the set-up, while young ladies waited on the guests.
The Victorian picnic differed little from today's. They were family gatherings fed by family favorites such as potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, pickled beets and eggs, relishes, fried chicken, sliced ham, a medley of cold meats and cheeses, watermelon and homemade ice cream. To keep beverages cool, bottles were wrapped in moist cloths. If hot dishes were taken, they would keep them warm by nesting the dish in a carton of crumpled newspaper.
Lemonade was considered a proper beverage for a picnic, although fresh fruit was acceptable as a thirst quencher too. The Victorians believed that salt in fruits cooled and freshened the blood.
Along with the right mix of people and plentiful food, to be successful, a picnic needed entertainment. If there were young people, it might be as simple as guessing the number of seeds in a watermelon, which was carried whole to the picnic and cut up after everyone had chosen a number. As they ate their slices, each had to count the number of seeds on the plate and a tally was made. The one who came the closest was crowned king or queen of the feast. At the more elaborate picnic, the host might have a dance platform assembled with a band for waltzing.
Another summer party was the church social. A young lady would prepare supper for two and pack it in a dainty basket along with her calling card. At the social, the gentlemen bid for the baskets, not knowing who had prepared them. The lady whose card was in the basket then became their supper partner. Did the young ladies ever give a clue to the gentleman they wanted as a supper partner? It surely must have been a thought that crossed the mind of a fair young lady looking for a husband.
Eastwood Park will hold its annual river and garden cleanup on Saturday, June 3rd, starting at 9 am. Anyone interested in helping is asked to meet at the corner of Riverside and 9th Street. Please bring any tools that you feel will be needed. Mark Clemens will head the river cleanup and Pete Hugret will bead the garden cleanup. A city truck will come to pick up at 11 am. If enough people help, the cleanup should be done by noon.
All volunteers are invited to the Clemens', 805 2nd Avenue, after the cleanup for a backyard lunch.
Once again, Eastwood Park will be having a neighborhood rummage sale if enough people want to participate. This year's sale will be Saturday, May 20th from 9am - 5pm. Hopefully, this date will work for most people. Spring and Summer are very busy times and it is hard to pick a date that will please everyone. The cost to participate is $4.00 and will go to paying for the flyers for bulletin boards, slips of paper with the addresses of the participants on it and the classified ad in the Minot Daily News. The classified ad, which has increased in price, will be run on Friday and Saturday.
To join in on the rummage sale, drop off your $4.00 in an envelope with your name, address and phone number to Kay Cameron, 605 1st Avenue SE. Please make any checks payable to Kay Cameron. The money will be returned if there are not enough participants in the rummage sale.
Many neighborhoods that offer home tours only offer them every other year. Eastwood Park has been having tours every year for the past four years. Time has come to take a break for a year. There are still people interested in having their homes on tour but not enough are ready for this year's tour. After this break, the Tour will return in 1996 and will be better than ever.
It seems with Spring all things are renewed. The grass starts growing. The flowers blossom. And this year, even the Eastwood Park Reporter blooms
Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Eastwood Park. Reporter. It is hard to believe that it bas been almost two years since we wrote our last full issue. We learned a lot about the history of Eastwood Park and about publishing a newspaper.
This time, we have a more realistic goal. The Eastwood Park Reporter will be published four times each year. In this way, the residents of Eastwood Park will still find out about what is happening in Eastwood Park, learn a little about the history of Eastwood Park and find out about the lifestyles of the people who lived at the turn of the century. After reading the Victorian Picnic story in this issue, I'll have to pack a picnic lunch and find a quiet spot in Eastwood Park for a family picnic.
The Eastwood Park Reporter will be a combined effort of Kay Cameron and Deanne Clemens with Steven Cameron performing the computer 'magic.' We would welcome any stories on current events affecting Eastwood Park, historical stories about Eastwood Park or simply story ideas in general. This newspaper is FOR Eastwood Park residents so we would like to include as many stories BY Eastwood Park residents as we can.