
Eastwood Park Reporter

Minot, North Dakota

Est. 1991

February 1993

Special Edition

Historic Building To Be Demolished

By Kay Cameron

Some of buildings in Minot are architecturally and historically significant They show the importance of Minot as a agricultural trading center, distribution center and railroad hub. While Minot grew, it developed into a major distribution center especially in the areas of agricultural implement machinery. Because some Minot's businesses setved a wide area including Montana and western N.D., its industrial areas were much more elaborate than other agricultural towns of the same size with larger buildings and rail spurs. One large building in the industrial area of Minot was build by International Harvester Company in 1910. This building still stands just off of East Central on Second Street NE. It is a strong link to Minot's heritage. Some feel this building is one of the strongest symbols of Minot's historic function as a distribution center.

The exterior of this massive, five-story, brick warehouse is Renaissance Revival which contain more column lines, angles and character than a person can comprehend in a short amount of time. This kind of architecture is rarely being built today. So when a building like this one is destroyed, it can never be easily replaced. This warehouse was built to last with ten-inch brick exterior walls.· The building has proven that, even with little maintenance, it was built to last.

The International Harvester building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. It was built during Minot's period of significance which was between the late 19th century and the early 20th century. It is considered a second generation Minot building. The first generation buildings were built mainly of wood and have mostly burned down. But second generation buildings were built of brick.

By just taking one look at the building, the first thing to come to mind may be that it needs to be tom down. It is a home for pigeons and it is beyond repair. Or. you may see past the broken windows that are covered with plywood and the faded paint of the proud builders of the building. You may see the character in the lines of the brick and feel a need to bring the building back to its glory as an important piece of Minot history. What this building needed was an owner to fix its roof and windows and find a use for the building. A few months ago, the building received a new owner and a second chance. The new owner, Farmers Union, has decided to bring the building down. A building that has stood for 82 years as a symbol of Minot's past. Cenex/Farmers Union, an agriculture-based company, will demolish one of the landmarks of our agriculture related city.

Before this building is completely demolished, go to 11 2nd Ave. NE and pay your respects to this building that, with little care, has stood to represent the past of Minot But when you go be sure to look at the East side of the building. This is the front, a side that few have discovered.

If you feel this building should be preserved, call XXX-XXXX.